
ITeach: Certification in Higher Ed Inc.

Are you a graduate student or early career academic who is driven to excel in your studies and pursue a career as an academic? Then this weekly blog is for you. You'll join 100s of others that I have helped enhance their teaching abilities, gain a competitive edge in the academic job market, and become a well-rounded educator. You will be provided with insights, strategies, and resources to help you become an effective and respected educator within your discipline.

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Inviting Peers to Observe Your Teaching

Do you want to harness the power of peer observation to enhance your teaching? In this post, we explore how to attain access to valuable learning conversations about teaching with peers, and the depth of reflection that comes from engaging in peer observations. Having a colleague take a student’s perspective of your teaching provides you with opportunities to have learning conversations about teaching (Hubball & Clarke, 2011). These can be extremely helpful in generating new ideas. More...

Student Feedback: How to Get the Most from Students

Different ways to obtain feedback from students Keep the focus on getting feedback about students’ learning and how your course structure and teaching supported their learning. Early fast feedback Within the first two weeks ask students if they can find everything they need, have any questions about expectations, and other logistical questions. The goal is to alleviate any stress points immediately. Mid-term Ask about their learning and for specific details about how the course has supported...

The Power of Reflection

Key elements of an effective reflective practice “One of the hardest things teachers have to learn is that the sincerity of their intentions does not guarantee the purity of their practice” (Brookfield, 1995, p. 1). Reflection is the process of scrutinizing experience (Kolb, 1984). To effectively reflect on your teaching, it is recommended that you do so from different perspectives – this is the core process behind reflective practice. Reflect on the following as it relates to your teaching...